Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hello and Good-bye?

“New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. ” -Mark Twain

We’ve arrived at that time of year again where many of us feel compelled to take an accounting of our lives these past twelve months as we prepare to usher in another twelve.

We wonder, are we happier? Better off? We take our temperature and then we, some of us, some of us make promises to ourselves, our friends, our family, to God and the Universe to be oh so much more this, that or the other [fill-in-the-blank] going forward.

It is an inescapable disposition, especially as endless television and/or radio programs broadcast their annual 'Year in Review' of the best news stories, films, books, images, music, scandals, – the best of the best, the worst of the worst and the beat goes on. And of course, this year, 2008 will be particularly poignant considering the plethora of upsets and downfalls besotting it. So much rests on 2009.

So what’s the math? What are/were the events and emotions that rocked your last 365 days? How did you fare? Where do you stand?

This morning when I first awoke, I wasn’t thinking, 'Oh hey, Karen this is the last day of 2008. Where are you regarding x,y,z?’

However, as the coffee brewed, there it was, that non-stop, self-talking instrument called the mind that began its rapid fire assault, asking me all those (unavoidable?) questions. I, personally, was still too fogged up to ask, much less answer but as consciousness drew near they were coming fast and furious:

  • What did you do more of? Less of? What did you mean to do more of and didn’t?
  • What was that one lesson you learned that made you say to yourself, ‘I'll never do that again!’?
  • What new friends did you make? or lose (via whatever means)?
  • In what ways did you surprise yourself? How were you predictably ‘you’ despite resolutions you had made to the contrary (uggh…who wants to answer that!)?
  • What did you think you would never do, that you did do? Now that you’ve done it, are you glad you did?
  • What would be a life lesson for 2008 if you had to pass it on to someone else?
  • What regrets, if any, do you have?
  • What were your happiest, most 'ultimate' moments? What were your saddest, most heart breaking?
  • Finally (or ultimately?), did you get what you wanted?
Being or living in the "NOW” is irrelevant at this moment because answering any of these questions requires that you look to the past, as it will –to some extent, inform your future (and all those new resolutions you’ll want to make).

Riddle Me This...

Why do we feel so compelled to ruminate on the past and itemize our hopes for a better year? A better future?

What is it about this day that makes us think we can magically transform ourselves or lives by modifying our deeds, thoughts and behavior...and why do we nominate this one day to name or articulate them?

Is it just a matter of numbers? Of the significance or symbolism associated with beginning the 365-day cycle again?

The one answer I have received thus far is that “because it is the triumph of hope over experience.”

I, myself, don’t have an answer.

But I do like Robert Frost’s take on it. He writes:

"You're searching...
For things that don't exist; I mean beginnings.
 Ends and beginnings - there are no such things.
 There are only middles.

It’s 10:46 p.m. What is it that you still have “time” to do in 2008? DO it! and have a ducky NEW YEAR!

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